King co-authors Financial Times op-ed with presidents of Germany, Singapore, Ethiopia, and Ecuador

31 March 2020

The Financial Times on Tuesday published an op-ed co-written by His Majesty King Abdullah with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Singapore President Halimah Yacob, Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde, and Ecuador President Lenín Moreno Garcés.

The article called for united international efforts to contain and counter coronavirus disease (COVID-19), describing it as a global threat that transcends borders, ethnicities, and creeds.

“We can contain and counter COVID-19 more effectively by knocking down the barriers that hinder knowledge exchange and co-operation,” the leaders said.

King Abdullah and the leaders of Germany, Singapore, Ethiopia, and Ecuador commended those working around the world to save lives or maintain vital services, writing that “they give us hope and offer inspiration that our societies may not only weather this crisis but also grow stronger and more connected”.

Faced by the same enemy, they wrote, the world stands to gain by bringing the full force of humanity together to fight it, as no country alone can win this fight.

“We all have something to contribute regardless of the size of our economies or populations. A global solution is in everybody’s self-interest,” the leaders said.

They called for a new global alliance to accelerate research and development of treatments and vaccines; ensure rapid production, procurement and fair distribution of testing kits; step up production and ensure the fair distribution of future therapies and vaccines, including to vulnerable populations such as refugees; and highlight the benefits of a coordinated global response to the crisis as an exemplary global public good.

The leaders concluded by reaffirming that no country is immune to the COVID-19 pandemic, “no matter how advanced its economy, capabilities, or technology. Before this virus, we are all equal and must work together to beat it”. They expressed confidence in human ingenuity, calling for solidarity to save lives and build a better tomorrow.

Link to the op-ed