King, New Zealand premier hold talks

29 November 2016

His Majesty King Abdullah held talks on Tuesday with Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key, on ways to advance bilateral ties in the economic, trade and defence fields.

The talks, held at the Parliament in Wellington, also dealt with the two countries’ efforts to expand cooperation and the prospect of Jordan benefiting from New Zealand's expertise in agriculture, renewable energy, education and other sectors.

Further, both sides agreed to stimulate the private sector in both countries to exchange visits to explore investment opportunities in the different sectors.

In their discussion of efforts to combat terrorism, King Abdullah reiterated Jordan's call for a holistic strategy to address this menace that targets global security and stability.

On Syria, His Majesty said efforts should be ramped up to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis inclusive of all components of the Syrian people.

Talks also highlighted the burdens shouldered by Jordan as a result of hosting a large number of Syrian refugees. The King called on the global community to assume its responsibility toward Jordan and the other refugee-host countries.

The two sides spoke about efforts to achieve peace between Palestinians and Israelis, and agreed on the need to exert more efforts to revive peace talks based on the two-state solution and the international legitimacy resolutions.

They also spoke about the situation in Iraq, particularly after the offensive in Mosul, stressing their support of the government to achieve stability with the participation of all segments of the Iraqi people.

The New Zealand premier commended Jordan’s role in achieving security and stability in the region and beyond. He said many world leaders he met had praised His Majesty’s wisdom in dealing with global and regional issues.

The prime minister noted Jordan’s stance against terrorism and extremism, and said his country viewed the King’s visit as an opportunity to further enhance relations.

Also in Wellington, His Majesty visited Weta Workshop and toured the facilities and state-of-the-art equipment used in movie making.

The King called for using Jordan’s natural attractions, such as Wadi Rum and Petra, in the film industry, referring to the many international movies that were filmed in the country.