King meets JICA president, JBIC governor

28 October 2016

His Majesty King Abdullah met on Friday with President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Shinichi Kitaoka and discussed ways to enhance ties between Jordan and Japan.

The meeting touched on means to fund priority developmental projects in Jordan through the agency's grants and technical support. During the meeting, a programme to support and build capacity of Jordanian municipalities was announced to help them gear up for their roles within the decentralisation scheme.

The two sides also agreed on the 2017-2018 training programme conducted by the Japanese agency, and enhance Jordan's position as a regional training and capacity building hub.

In statements to Petra, JICA president said that Jordan is playing a key role in a volatile region, not only in helping refugees, but also in fighting terrorism and extremism.

King Abdullah also met with Governor of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Akira Kondoh, and discussed ways to fund infrastructure projects, which the Kingdom is planning to execute in partnership with the private sector, mainly in renewable energy, power generating, and Red-Dead water conveyance scheme.

In this regard, JBIC Governor reiterated the bank's readiness to enhance its financial support to private sector investments to help it get involved in such schemes.