King voices pride in Prince Ali despite FIFA election result

26 February 2016

His Majesty King Abdullah on Friday praised the vision of His Royal Highness Prince Ali bin Al Hussein, who was among the four candidates for FIFA presidency election.

In a phone call after the Friday election, where Gianni Infantino of Switzerland was elected FIFA president, King Abdullah commended efforts exerted by Prince Ali to reform the international football organisation and develop the sport in the region and the entire world.

The King told Prince Ali that his vision and ideas in boosting football will remain a source of inspiration for those who want to make a positive change.

His Majesty also stressed that although Prince Ali did not win the FIFA election, his dedication since he decided to run was appreciated globally for his “boldness, transparency and objectiveness” in identifying the challenges that face football internationally and striving to improve the sport.

For his part, Prince Ali thanked the King for support, stressing that the programme and goals he seeks to achieve in football at the international and regional levels do not stop at a certain point; rather, they constitute a fixed approach that he will always be working to achieve.