King addresses the nation

03 March 2015

His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday addressed the nation, stressing that “Our strength and the pivotal role we enjoy in the region and the world did not come by accident. This status has been realised by creative and tireless Jordanian hands, who hold the Jordanian flag high, and put Jordan on the map of excellence and achievement in many fields.

His Majesty underlined that “This is why we stand strong and united in a region shaken by ethnic and sectarian strife and — above all — terrorism. Jordan enjoys the blessings of security and stability, which are the foundations of life, and there shall be no compromise or leniency over this. The rule of law is the bedrock of a safe and stable state, a state in which we can live with integrity and equality in rights and duties, where everyone is equally responsible — citizens and institutions alike.”

Following is the official translation of His Majesty King Abdullah’s address to the nation:

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate.

Blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad, the truthful Arab Hashemite messenger.

Brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, my people, my one and great Jordanian family, peace, God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

I speak to you today, knowing and feeling what every one of you is going through. I feel your worries and fears, your hopes and ambitions, your dreams for the future, amidst all the turbulence our Arab region faces, which is unprecedented in our modern history.

We stand, today, before the future we seek and rightfully deserve. A future that we are forging for Jordan, not the dismal future sought by those criminals, who claim to be Muslims —wreaking terror and faking piety.

Islam is not a faith of factions and parties, nor should it be reduced to a simple dichotomy between extremism against moderation. Islam is a faith of unity, justice and peace. As for those who deviate, kill, torture and violate everything that is sacred, they are the enemies of Islam. And Islam has nothing to do with their doings.

Recent years have witnessed historical changes and challenges that the entire world faces today, putting the whole of humanity in front of its hardest test ever. My fellow men and women of Jordan, with your enlightened minds and conscious that reject sacrificing your sons and daughters to fuel greed, darkness and inhumanity, you are the shield protecting the country and the first line of defence for the homeland.

Today, all members of our society stand united behind our homeland. Living side-by-side in fraternity and in solidarity as one family, Muslims and Christians, citizens from different origins, all stand ready to fulfil the call of duty.

We build our future by arming the young generation with a progressive and civilised outlook based on values of good citizenship, initiative, ambition, excellence, respect for work and achievement. This foundation will immunise them against radicalism and violence, which contradicts our values, ethics and everything we stand for. The sanctity of life and the respect for self and others are the essence of our beliefs.

I assure you all that Jordan is strong and resilient, as it has been throughout the decades. Time and again, Jordan has proven that it is stronger and larger than those with faithless spirits, who have ill-intentions for the country and long for an opportune moment to attack and undermine it in every way possible. But every time we were put to the test, we emerged stronger. And today, we are stronger than ever before.

During difficult times, the true essence of people emerges; and Jordanians have the purest, strongest and most precious essence, that blends to unite us as one in times of crises.

My brothers and sisters,

Our strength and the pivotal role we enjoy in the region and the world did not come by accident. This status has been realised by creative and tireless Jordanian hands, who hold the Jordanian flag high, and put Jordan on the map of excellence and achievement in many fields. This is why we stand strong and united in a region shaken by ethnic and sectarian strife and — above all — terrorism.

Jordan enjoys the blessings of security and stability, which are the foundations of life, and there shall be no compromise or leniency over this. The rule of law is the bedrock of a safe and stable state, a state in which we can live with integrity and equality in rights and duties, where everyone is equally responsible — citizens and institutions alike.

Indeed, we are Jordanians and our army has carried the name “Arab Army” since its inception. We take pride in embodying the Arab nation as a responsibility, as an identity, as an army and a people. We never fall short despite the huge burdens we carry. We take pride in what we do and never complain.

As the poem says, Jordan “is the land of resoluteness and its sword never deviates”. Jordan carries the flag of the Great Arab Revolt and the honour of protecting Jerusalem and its holy sites. It has always defended the causes of our nation and humanity at large, along with the values of tolerance and moderation.

History shall stand witness to the sacrifices of our martyrs in defence of the true message of Islam, Jordan’s soil and Jordanians’ dignity. Our martyrs stand tall as heroes revered by all Jordanians. This is why you, the men and women of Jordan, have every right to be proud of your country, of yourselves and your achievements. A nation that has such an honourable history, a confident present and promising future has every right to be proud.

But don’t forget that pride comes from deeds and not words, by achievement and collective action. Building a society of excellence requires having faith in our capabilities. Great achievements begin with dreams and are only realised through ambition and determination.

Those who achieved their dreams, managed to do so by remaining true to their principles and working hard to achieve them. Success requires encouraging talents, building capabilities, nurturing bright ideas, and supporting entrepreneurship, perseverance and the will to overcome failure.

Together, we are moving forward on this path. Despite all challenges, we will carry on in our democratic journey and the development of our society, deepening active citizenship in line with the principles of justice and equal opportunity. These are the deeply rooted principles of the Jordanian conscience.

My brothers and sisters,

Speaking to you today, I know there are different generations of Jordanians listening. Among you are grandparents, who laid the strong foundations of our society; mothers and fathers, who carry the Jordanian flags high as they work hard; and the youth, who are Jordan’s hope for the future. It is with our young generations’ knowledge, ambition and, most importantly, patriotism that we shall have a promising future. And Jordan deserves the best.

Above all, today, I say to you, the men and women of Jordan: Be proud.

Be proud of every young man and woman, who realises an achievement going to work each day.

Be proud in every child who learns a new word, in every teacher who fulfils the most noble of all duties.

Be proud of every Jordanian man and woman for their perseverance, their belief in what they do and their dedication to their country.

Be proud of Amman, your capital, which embraced the people of this country and brought together Arab patriots, providing a haven and epicenter for all.

Be proud of every Jordanian city, village, badia and refugee camp for sheltering the oppressed and the impoverished and providing them with safety in place of their peril. At a time when they lost hope in their own countries and were forced to flee, we have shared with them everything.

Be proud of the Jordanian flag that flies over the humanitarian and relief efforts to those in need in distressed areas across the globe.

Be proud because inside every one of you, my fellow Jordanians, there is an eagle with a brave heart that embraces its responsibilities, ready to sacrifice for your country and nation.

Be proud because inside every Jordanian family there is a Muath that we are forever proud of.

Be proud because the world respects you for building your country with your own hands. You have charted its history and success, building a landmark respected by the whole world. But more importantly, you have to remain proud so that you lead Jordan to a future that fulfills our ambitions.

Be proud and be assured that we can achieve what is great because in every child, man, woman, soldier, mother, family, neighbourhood and city, there is the potential to achieve more for this country than anyone has ever dreamt of before. The sky is the only limit for Jordanian men and women, for Jordan has always been destined for a greater future.

Peace, God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.