Jordan backs efforts to secure a UN resolution against offences on Islam

15 February 2006

His Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday said the Kingdom strongly supports efforts to secure a UN resolution against offences on Islam, the prophets and other monotheistic religions.

King Abdullah told EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana that the cartoons published in some European newspapers insulting the Prophet Mohammad cannot be justified under any pretext of freedom of expression.

The King called on the EU and all European governments to put an end to such offences, which provoked all Muslims.

King Abdullah hailed Solana's effort, saying Jordan backs steps that seek to enhance mutual understanding and respect around the world.

He also warned against any attempts to exploit the issue to sow hatred between religions.

It is important that the expression of anger and condemnation for what happened occur in a way that reflects the truth about Islam as a religion of moderation, the King added.

Talks between the King and Solana also covered the Palestinian situation and Iraq.

Solana was in Jordan as part of a Mideast tour in an effort to end the controversy over the caricatures.

“I would like to express very clearly that the European Union people do respect the countries of this part of the world... and don't want to offend anybody,” Solana was quoted by AFP as telling a news conference after talks with Foreign Minister Abdul Ilah Khatib.

The Jordan Times