King, President Bush condemn Danish cartoons

08 February 2006

His Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday condemned the publication of cartoons denigrating the Prophet Mohammad. During a meeting with US President George W. Bush, King Abdullah said that "insulting religious feelings or trying to justify this by taking freedom of expression as a cover is something unacceptable."

President Bush also condemned the cartoons and said that the global controversy they have ignited figured high in his talks with the King. He said that his country believed in the freedom of the press, but that "with this freedom comes responsibility, and responsibility means thinking about others."

The two leaders called the violence that has accompanied protests against the cartoons "unacceptable".

"One who wants to protest should be careful... [and] do this peacefully," King Abdullah said. "When we see protests accompanied by destruction and violence, especially the killing of innocent people, then this is definitely unacceptable."
"We should progress one step further in the issue of tolerance so as to accept our common humanity and our shared values," the King added.

The two leaders' talks also addressed Hamas' electoral victory and the peace process.
The King said cutting or suspending ties with the Palestinians at this stage "can never serve stability in the Middle East." He urged the US and the international community to continue supporting the Palestinian National Authority, led by President Mahmoud Abbas. The election of Hamas should not be allowed to block or impede the peace process, the King added.

King Abdullah also reiterated Jordan's support for all efforts geared to the formation of an Iraqi government, inclusive of all political powers.
"The Iraqi success in building a secure, united and prosperous Iraq is an absolute guarantee for stability to prevail in the Middle East," the King said.

Referring to bilateral relations with the US, King Abdullah discussed the pressure that fuel price increases are exerting on Jordan's economic development. The King said Jordan appreciated US assistance in helping the country overcome its economic challenges.

Earlier in the day, King Abdullah held talks with the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. Rice paid tribute to Jordan's efforts to implement programs of economic growth and modernization in its drive to achieve sustainable development.

The King and Rice also focused on the overall situation in the region and the development of bilateral relations. They also reviewed the two countries' efforts to promote regional peace.