King Meets Head and Members of Chinese Islamic Society

12 December 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday said that the challenges facing Muslims requires them to build stronger relations among themselves in a way that enhances the image of Islam as a religion of peace, tolerance and balance. During a meeting with the head and members of the Chinese Islamic Society, King Abdullah said his heritage as a descendant of the Prophet Mohammad (Al Al-Bait) obliges him to dissociate Islam from criminal acts attributed to it. The King outlined Jordan's efforts to clarify the meaning of Islam, beginning last year with the Amman Message and the International Islamic Conference hosted in July 2005. He said the conference was a new page in the history of the Islamic nation and said Jordan would keep Chinese Muslims apprised of new steps to serve Islam and Muslims. Head of the Chinese Islamic Society Sheikh Imam Hilal Addine expressed appreciation for King Abdullah's endeavors, saying that solidarity among Islamic nations was important. The sheikh discussed the situation of Chinese Muslims, saying that their living conditions have improved recently and that they are well represented in the Chinese political system.