King voices support for Barcelona process

21 November 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday said the holding of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional Summit, which followed the Nov. 9 attacks in Amman, underlines the international community's trust in the Kingdom's stability and security.

The King's remarks were made during a meeting with President of the European Economic Social Committee Anne-Marie Sigmunds.

King Abdullah added that the large participation in the conference shows the support of the international community to the Kingdom.

Over the past two days, more than 150 representatives of economic and social councils from the Euro-Mediterranean region took part in the summit, which was designed to promote the social consultative function of civil society and the social partners and reinvigorate the Barcelona process.

In this regard, King Abdullah stressed his support for the Barcelona Declaration, which opens the way for further cooperation between the countries of the region.

The Barcelona process got under way in 1995 and involves a wide framework of political, economic and social relations between the member states of the European Union and partners of the southern Mediterranean.

The Euro-Mediterranean partnership comprises 35 members, 25 EU member states and 10 Mediterranean partners.

Sigmunds said the Kingdom is a pioneering country in the field of promoting regional cooperation, commending the King's efforts in this regard.

She also condemned the Nov. 9 suicide attacks on three of Amman's international hotels that left 60.

During the meeting, King Abdullah thanked the European socio-economic councils for their support for the Ministry of Labour in its efforts to establish a socio-economic council in the country.

The Jordan Times