King Meets British Delegation

04 January 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed the importance of rallying international support to steps taken by the Palestinian leadership to hold elections, and to establish an independent and viable Palestinian state as soon as possible.

During a meeting at the Royal Court with a delegation from the British House of Common in the presence of Hashemite Royal Court Minister Sameer Rifai, and Deputy Prime Minister and State Minister for Prime Ministry Affairs and Government Performance and Acting
Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher, His Majesty stressed the importance of seizing the time factor to accelerate the peace process and encourage the Palestinians and Israelis to implement the roadmap peace plan. "The establishment of an independent and viable
Palestinian state is the only way to achieve genuine peace between the Palestinians and Israelis," he added.

King Abdullah noted the importance of the support provided by Britain and the European Union to help in reinvigorating the peace process and finding a final solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

On Iraq, His Majesty affirmed Jordan's keenness to support efforts designed to achieve security and stability in Iraq.

"Conducting comprehensive elections that leads to a government which represents all segments of the Iraqi society is a step towards building a unified, strong, and democratic Iraq," he added.

The King also reviewed efforts being exerted by Jordan to ensure the success of its programs that aim at achieving reforms in the various fields and make them a model for others in the region. "Jordan attaches special attention to developing its educational
programs and using modern technology in education that contributes to creating a generation of youth that is able to confront challenges of the new century," the King said.

His Majesty also received at the Royal Court member of the US Congress from the Democratic Party John Kerry who is currently on a visit to the Kingdom within a tour to a number of counties in the region.

His Majesty discussed with Kerry the political developments in the region and efforts that aim at pushing the peace process forward and achieving security and stability in Iraq.

King Abdullah reviewed Jordan's reform programs in the political, economic and social fields. He also praised the US aid that contributes to implementing these programs and achieving the aspired for goals.

Kerry for his part voiced appreciation for the intensive efforts led by His Majesty to establish just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East, as well as the King's relentless efforts to present the true image of the region's issues.

The meeting was attended by Minister of the Hashemite Royal Court Sameer Rifai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Prime Ministry Affairs and Government Performance, and Acting Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher and the US Charged d'affaires in Amman David Hale.