King Returns Home

16 December 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II returned home Thursday after a four-nation tour that took him to Libya, US, Japan, Singapore and Qatar.

The royal tour came within the frame of the intensive efforts the
King exerts at the regional and international scenes to analyze the
national achievements and support the political, economic and social
reform programs in Jordan.

His Majesty the King carried the Arab issue with him to the
leaders he met, stressing the necessity of achieving peace in the
region with a view to enable the region's peoples to live in
security and stability.

The King started his tour with a short visit to the republic of
Libya where he discussed with the Libyan President Mu'ammar Qadhafi
scopes of joint cooperation and ways of enhancing and supporting the
bilateral ties, in addition to the latest political developments in
the region.

In the US, King Abdullah met with US President George W. Bush and
senior officials from the American administration where the King
explained the necessity of establishing a viable Palestinian state,
affirming the importance of exploiting time to achieve peace in the
region and accomplish integration between the American and European

The King called on President Bush to support the Palestinian
leadership in its efforts to hold elections and strengthen the
Palestinian institutions to enable it holding its responsibilities
in the coming stage.

King Abdullah also reiterated the necessity that Israel should
also be committed to offering all necessary facilities to hold
Palestinian elections that would come up with a leadership
representing all Palestinians and capable of being an effective
partner in peace making.

The King also affirmed on the responsibility of the
international community to assume its role with the concerned
parties to move forward and remove the obstacles hindering peace in
the region, stressing the importance of committing the Palestinians
and the Israelis to go back to the negotiation table.

As for the situation in Iraq, King Abdullah affirmed to President
Bush that Iraq is an Arab country and that elections must be held in
a way that all Iraqis take part in, especially that these elections
will be the basis on which Iraq's constitution will be put.

Within this context, King Abdullah reiterated Jordan's full
support to the Iraqi people to help them surmount the difficult
circumstances they are passing through.

The King called on President Bush and the American administration
to further support Jordan because it is a model example in the
region in its achievements and reforms in all fields.

During his meeting in Washington with economic, financial,
banking, tourist, educational and IT leaderships in the US, the King
outlined steps taken by Jordan to achieve political and
socio-economic development that would have positive
impacts on life of citizens.

"Jordan has achieved qualitative steps in the recent years in
economic domain and improving investment climate" reiterated King
Abdullah noting to the contribute of the private sector in the
development march.

The King also outlined the Jordanian achievements in the
education and judicial fields in addition to the environment
needed to attract investment and alleviate poverty.

"The reform process is well underway. Our country has made
structural changes to embed human rights and build democratic
political life. In the economy, we have encouraged innovation and
partnership with the private sector", the King said adding that our
vision is of an open, modern civil society rooted in true Arab-
Islamic values: tolerance and respect for others, belief in the rule
of law, the equal dignity of all people, and the pursuit of

During his visit to San Francisco, the King met with the
Jordanian society there. The King affirmed that reform plans
being undertaken by Jordan in political, economic and social domains
are designed to improve economic performance, promote democracy,
empower the role of woman and youth sector, develop education and
improve standards of living of all Jordanians.

In Japan, King Abdullah met with Emperor of Japan Akihito and
Empress Michiko. His Majesty also held talks with Japanese
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and a number of parties'
secretaries where the King affirmed the necessity of supporting the
Palestinian leadership to hold elections and go back to the
negotiation table as a real partner for peace.

The King also reiterated the necessity of seizing time to revive
the peace process and establish the viable Palestinian state within
the two-state solution according to the road map.

His Majesty the King also met Japanese officials and economic
figures and discussed with them the economic ties between Jordan and
Japan and increasing the Japanese investment in Jordan.

"The Palestinian cause is the core of conflict in the region,
and unsolving it will lead to the continuation of the cycle
of violence in the region and the world", said King Abdullah during
his meeting with the Japanese parliament spokesperson Yohi Kono.

During the meeting, the King highly valued the Japanese
continued support to Jordan.

The King also met with members of the Jordanian-Japanese
Association, which included a group of Japanese businessmen, and
outlined the investment project Jordan is seeking to implement and
its importance in creating job opportunities and achieving
comprehensive development.

In Singapore, the third leg of His Majesty's tour, King Abdullah
discussed with Acting Singaporean President and Speaker of the
parliament Abdullah Tarmugi and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the
current developments in the region, particularly those related to
elections in Palestine and Iraq and ties of cooperation between
Jordan and Singapore.

King Abdullah affirmed that the "Amman Message" which was
launched recently forms an initiative to renew the moderate voice of
Islam and make the silent majority speak of genuine Islam and
present its bright image in the whole world.

Concerning the economic ties, King Abdullah reiterated the
importance of the Singaporean private sector to benefit from the
Free Trade Agreement FTA signed between the two countries.

The royal talks also covered the technical cooperation in the IT,
administrative development and scientific research fields in the
Jordanian universities.

Prime Minister Faisal Fayez, Minister of the Royal Court Sameer
Rifai, Advisor to the King Aqil Beltaji, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Hani Mulki and Minister of Planning and International Cooperation
Bassem Awad Allah returned home with His Majesty King Abdullah.