King's message to Prince Hamzah

28 November 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II has sent a message to HRH Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein.

Following is the full text of the message:

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

Your Royal Highness My Dear Brother Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein, May God keep you,

I am pleased to extend to you my very best greetings and most
sincere wishes for continued health, happiness and success, and to
express my deepest affection and highest esteem to you as a brother,
a Hashemite Prince and a sincere Jordanian soldier, keen to
selflessly perform the call of duty. I have known these traits in
you since you started your journey giving to our beloved country.
I chose you personally five years ago from amongst all my
brothers, including those who are older than you, to be Crown Prince
and to be my support whenever necessary. I have been eager since I
came to the throne of our beloved Jordan to reflect the true
meaning of the position of Crown Prince as it is stated in the
Constitution. This position is an honorary one that does not entail
any authority or any responsibility.

Our beloved father King Hussein, may God rest His Soul, had
reaffirmed to us before he passed away the importance of adhering to
the honorary concept of the position of Crown Prince and we have
abided by that throughout the past five years. Your holding this
symbolic position has restrained your freedom and hindered our
trusting you with certain responsibilities that you are fully
qualified to undertake.

And because the country needs the efforts of each and every one
of us to work with utmost energy and capability especially during
these difficult circumstances which the region and our beloved
Jordan are going through, I have decided to free you from the
constraints of the position of Crown Prince in order to give you the
freedom to work and undertake any mission or responsibility I
entrust you with, along side with all our brothers, the sons of Al
Hussein, and other members of the Hashemite Family. I trust that
you will be a great help and support to me and to your brothers in
the service of our beloved country and our one big Jordanian Family.

As for the position of Crown Prince, I will continue, guided by the
Constitution and the good of our beloved Jordan and our noble
Hashemite message, to give it my sincere attention.

I ask God to keep you and save you and give you success in the
service of our dear country.

Your Brother

Abdullah Bin Al Hussein