King and Berlusconi Open Talks

28 September 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II held talks on Tuesday with Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi on means of enhancing the bilateral relations in various scopes and the latest development in the Meddle East.

His Majesty the king reaffirmed that Palestinian cause is the core of the conflict in the region. He added that security and stability can't be achieved unless there is a just solution to end the Israeli occupation to Palestinian territory and establishing an independent Palestinian state.

His Majesty stressed that the influential parties as the EU should exert utmost efforts to encourage the Israelis and Palestinians to resume negotiation immediately and push peace process forward and pledge to implement the road map approved by international community.

On Iraqi cause, the King stressed the necessity of helping Iraqis and support them in rebuilding a united, secure and stable Iraq, affirming that Jordan will spare no efforts in supporting these efforts.

The King welcomed the UN role in Iraq expressing Jordan's hope to put an end to violence and chaos in Iraq, to enable Iraqis holding the general election as per schedule.

The King decried the killing and abduction of innocent people, affirming that these actions violate morals, good values, Justice and human respect. "Jordan will work hard with concerned Iraqi parties to secure the release of hostages and abducted people in Iraq, the King said affirming that Jordan will back up the Iraqi choice holding the international conference on Iraq.

"Finding just political solutions to Palestinian and Iraqi causes that kindle violence and tension in the Meddle East contribute to put an end to such terror acts, King Abdullah affirmed expressing concern over terror phenomena which threatens human security and prosperity.

During the meeting, which was attended by Prime Minister Faisal Fayez, Minister of Royal Court Sameer Al Rifai, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Basem Awadallah, senior Italian officials and Jordanian Ambassador to Rome, His majesty reviewed with senior Italian officials investment opportunities in Jordan and the fields that private sectors both countries can cooperate and establish joint investments.

The King expressed thanks to Italy for its supports that contribute to alleviate Jordan's debts. The Italian government swaps its debt to investment projects in addition to its support to investment projects.

Berlusconi affirmed that Italy works hard to support peace process noting that the Palestinians and Israelis should implement road map.

He also indicated to the importance of cooperating efforts to bring peace to the Meddle East, praising His Majesty' efforts to reach just and comprehensive peace in the region.

The Italian investments in Jordan stands at $16.5 million in agriculture, mining, health, and food stuff. Jordan and Italy have concluded bilateral agreement for promoting and protecting investment since 2000.