King Meets Iraqi President

09 June 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II has affirmed Jordan's support to the new Iraqi government and to all steps designed to rebuild Iraq and realize its full sovereignty on all its land.

During a meeting with Iraqi President Ghazi Al Yawer in Georgia on Wednesday, King Abdullah said Jordan places all its capabilities to help the Iraqi people surmount their current crisis and build a free and independent Iraq.

For his part, Al Yawer highly appreciated Jordan's support of Iraq in its present ordeal. Jordan's historical stand since the late King Hussein bin Talal and during the reign of His Majesty King Abdullah reflects Jordan's strong belief in its pan-Arab role towards its Arab brothers, he said.

Iraq, which is entering a new era, needs support from Arabs and particularly from Jordan which is linked with Iraq in brotherly historical relations, Al Yawer said. He thanked King Abdullah and Jordan for training Iraqi police units and establishing a field hospital in Fallujeh.