King Meets People of Vision in the Arab World

15 May 2004

On the sidelines of the World Economic Forum deliberations currently held at the Dead Sea resort His Majesty King Abdullah II, Saturday met a people of vision from the Arab world-The Middle East 2010 Vision- where the King affirmed total support to all efforts geared to assist governments to draft massive reform plans covering economic, social and political domains.

During the meeting which was attended Royal Court Minister Samir Rifai and Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Basem Awadallah, King Abdullah said the Middle East 2010 vision could be put forward to the upcoming Arab summit in Tunis to reach to a relevant initiative that could be presented to the Group 8 summit next June.

The people who drafted this vision envisaged that the reform planshould be drawn up within a clear and practical plan of action and a definitetime frame and accordingly the vision should be prepared by representativesof civil society institutions in the region and should include political,economic and social dimensions including means of reaching a solutionto the Arab-Israeli conflict based on two-state solution and addressing the situation in Iraq.