The King writes in Wall Street Journal

16 April 2004

San Francisco, 16/4/2004, (Communication & Information Division - Royal Hashemite Court) -
Wall Street Journal published
King Abdullah II article ''Reform is our Priority,'' in which His
Majesty stressed that the reform process in the Middle East should
proceed from inside the societies themselves rather than being imposed
from outside. His Majesty pointed out that reform process in the
Arab world has already started. Most Arabs, he said agree on the
necessity of reform and on that proceeding from inside will secure
its success.

His Majesty stressed that solution of the Palestinian Israeli conflict
is necessary to make the reform process in the Middle East region
successful. He urged the international community to play a vital role
to make peace and justice , on the bases of ensuring security of
Palestinians and Israeli and establishment of a viable Palestinian state,
prevail in the region. such continued conflict and whirl of violence
engulfing it makes millions in the region confident that the world
order of justice in the free world has failed to lay the foundations
of justice in the world.

His Majesty pointed out that reform process in Jordan is going
ahead. He highlighted adoption of means that maintain creativeness
and working out real partnership with the private sector. His Majesty
pointed out to establishing a special ministry for political development
and a human rights center.