King attends signature of JTC and Cisco Systems memo

16 April 2004

San Francisco, 16/4/2004, (Communication & Information Division - Royal Hashemite Court) -
His Majesty King Abdullah II on
Friday attended, directly following his arrival to San Francisco, ceremonies
of signing a memo of understanding between the ministry of Telecommunications
and Information Technology and Cisco Systems.

The memo stipulates on finding a frame work of cooperation by
which the two parties would explore the potential capabilities of
cooperation between them in order to achieve their joint aims. Cisco
Systems is one of the leading world companies in adopting support
of education in Jordan, presented by the World Economic Forum held
in the Dead Sea last June.

Chairman of Cisco Systems' Board John Chambers told Jordanian
reporters accompanying His Majesty, that focusing on work in Jordan
is partly due to the Jordanian people's creativeness and care in
the field of education, in addition to the political will needed for
progress, the matter which lead him to invite leading companies,
in Silicon Valley such as Sun Micro Systems, Excel, and Carlyle Group
among others to discuss the role such firms could play in the field
of working out job opportunities in the Kingdom and further
develop cooperation in the field of investment , education and developed
technology to make Jordan a model in electronic education.