King and Queen Return Home

17 March 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II, and Queen Rania Al Abdullah, returned home on Wednesday following a brief visit to Turkey during which the King discussed with the Turkish President, Ahmet Necdet Sezar, and Prime Minister, Recep Tayyb Erdogan, means of enhancing bilateral relations, economic cooperation as well as the latest regional developments.

The Jordanian and Turkish views were identical on the regional issues, particularly the importance of the international community's efforts to put the peace process back on its proper track, and stop the cycle of violence between the Palestinians and Israelis.

The two sides affirmed their keenness on enhancing the bilateral economic ties to reach the level of the advanced political relations between the two countries.

King Abdullah, who was accompanied on the visit by Royal Court Minister, Industry and Trade Minister and Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, said every time we visit Turkey we further strengthen the close relations built by the late His Majesty King Hussein between the Jordanian and Turkish people.

Speaking in an interview with Turkish the N.T.V. TV station, King Abdullah said "there are three issue affecting our region and have been discussed with Turkish officials, the Palestinian issue, the future of Iraq and reform plans in the Middle East and the whole region."

Answering a question on the Iraqi constitution, King Abdullah whatever the nature of this constitution, what we are concerned with is to have the decision in the hand of the Iraqis and not imposed from outside.

"If justice does not prevail and if the Palestinian- Israeli conflict, the core issue in the Middle East, is not solved, terrorism will increase," the King warned.

The Palestinian problem affects everyone including the U.S. and it is in the interest of all to secure a just solution to this central issue, King Abdullah added.

Jordan is a small country but it is a big one with the potentials and minds of it young people with whom we will be able to confront thechallenges of the new century, the King said.

He added the Jordanian youth who always impressed me with the extent of their awareness and with what they want to accomplish in their life and this an exceptional quality.

Earlier on the day, King Abdullah met in Istanbul a number of Turkish businessmen and investors and briefed them on Jordan's economic accomplishments and investment opportunities in the Kingdom. Jordan attempts to boost cooperation with the Turkish private sector and to explore areas that could help the two countries increase joint investment and trade volume, the King said.

King Abdullah also affirmed Jordan's determination to achieve sustainable economic growth through encouraging private investment and maintaining monetary stability. Jordan is also determined to create the climate that could offer more job opportunities to Jordanians, the King said. He added to fulfill these objectives Jordan has started creating proper administrative and legislative environment to attract investment and increase investment higher and primary education noting that $500 m. have been invested in the education sector over the past three years. King Abdullah also talked about the privatization programs, and speeding up government decisions on infrastructure projects and developing vocational training to meet the labor market demands.

He also referred to the Kingdom's economic achievements including the rise in economic growth and the increase in national exports and the hard currency reserve.

Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Bassem Awadallah gave a detailed account on stages of development of Jordan's economy and the investment incentives offered to Turkish investors.