King Instructs the Government to Conduct a Study on Situation of Students Returning from Iraq

27 March 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II issued directives to the government to conduct a comprehensive study on the situation of Jordanian students who have returned from Iraq due to the war.

His Majesty affirmed that the government should ensure the return of the students to Iraq to continue their studies once the war is over.

He also instructed the government to study the possibility of absorbing them at Jordanian public and private sector universities in case they cannot return to Iraq.

King Abdullah was briefed by Minister of Higher Education Dr. Mohammad Hamdan during a meeting that was attended by Minister of the Royal Court Faisal Al-Fayez, on the situation of those students.

The number of Jordanian students at Iraqi universities stands at 3000, 2341 of which returned to Jordan since the beginning of the crisis.

598 students were also sent by the higher education ministry to study in Iraq.

Hamdan said "Under directives by His Majesty, the ministry will contact private universities to absorb as much of those students as they could with preferential fees if it becomes impossible for them to return to Iraq.