King Abdullah Opens Talks with Solana

03 June 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana described the current international efforts to re-launch the Middle East peace talks as "positive" and are moving in the right direction.

During their meeting at Beit Al Barakah Palace on Monday, King Abdullah and Solana said there have been some positive indicators that emphasize the international desire to find an outlet for the current crisis through implementing the relevant Security Council resolutions.

King Abdullah, who was briefed by Solana on the outcome of his regional tour including his talks with Palestinian and Israeli officials, affirmed the significant role of the EU to help the two parties restore calm and return to the table of negotiations.

The talks, which were attended by Royal Court Chief, Foreign Minister and EU peace envoy Miguel Moratinos, also touched on peace moves including the Arab peace initiative, which forms a strong base to reach a just and comprehensive solution to conflict in the region.