King Abdullah II Receives American Congressmen

26 May 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Sunday received American Congressmen Darrel Aisa, member of External Relations Committee and The Middle East and South Asia Committee of the congress, and Tomas Davis.

The discussions focused on bilateral relations between Jordan and USA, particularly in the economic field and trade exchange, in addition to the current situation in the region. Aisa pointed out that the American Congress has approved the $ 125 million additional aid offered to Jordan, which will be approved by the Senate.

Congressmen Aisa and Davis hailed the economic reforms in the Kingdom which aim at achieving sustainable economic and social development.

In another occasion, His Majesty discussed also with Chairman and members of the Jordanian American Chamber of Commerce, trade relations between Jordan and USA and means to boost them.

The King stressed the importance that the private sector set a strategy to contribute to trade exchange increase between the two countries, and to further enhance economic relations in harmony with the free trade agreement signed by them. His Majesty pointed out to the necessity to activate the private sector role in reaching the American market and benefit from the available opportunities the agreement affords.

King Abdullah pointed out to the intention to benefit from the private sector in nominating trade attaches in the Jordanian embassies.

His Majesty was briefed by Chairman of the Jordanian American Chamber of Commerce Fawaz Shaalan on the chamber's activities and targets aiming at development of human resources in the businessmen community through specialized training programs.

Shaalan pointed out that the chamber seeks to make Jordan a major base for American investment in the Middle East and a gate for American market, in addition to increasing volume of trade between Jordan and USA from $ 500 million to $1,8 billion within three years period of time, as well as increasing American investment in Jordan to JD 200 million in 2004.