King, Bush Affirm the Importance of Translating Peace Vision into Reality

09 May 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II held talks with US President George Bush early this morning on the current ideas to end the Middle East crisis caused by the continuation of violence. His Majesty stressed the importance of linking any ideas to the references of peace represented in UN Security Council resolutions 242, 338, 1397 as well as the Arab initiative, affirming the need to implement that within a fixed timetable.

During the meeting which was attended by Royal Court chief and His Majesty's advisor for security affairs and Head of the Intelligence Department, King Abdullah emphasized the importance of translating peace visions into reality. "The establishment of a Palestinian state and the solving of all political problems will guarantee an end to violence and counter violence," he added.

The US president for his part stressed adherence to his peace vision based on the establishment of a Palestinians state beside the state of Israel.

He also affirmed that the Arab initiative forms an important base for peace in the region.

President Bush highly valued King Abdullah's role in supporting peace efforts.

His Majesty's talks with the US president which was attended by the US national security advisor and the US secretary of state, focused on bilateral ties.

Bush expressed understanding to the importance of assisting Jordan in completing its economic and developmental programs.

He noted the development of bilateral economic ties and the increase of the volume of Jordanian exports to US markets which exceeded $250 million last year after the signing of the FTA between the two countries.

In a joint press statements to reporters in the White House, King Abdullah expressed hope to find a solution to bring about peace and security to the Palestinians and Israelis.

He said that his talks in Washington aims at finding logical steps to end the current crisis between the Palestinians and Israelis. "We will discuss all views in an attempt to find a clear way where there will be an American support to the Palestinians and Israelis to achieve the kind of peace their aspire for," His Majesty said.

The King voiced hope that the Cairo summit which will bring together Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz will succeed, indicating that the summit aims at affirming the Arab vision for peace.

President Bush who welcomed the King peace efforts, highly valued His Majesty's role in achieving peace in the region. "The King is so concerned in the future of the region's peoples, the need to achieve prosperity for his people and enhance peace in the Middle east," president Bush said.

The US president said that held a series of meetings with leaders of the Middle East on the possibility of using the current opportunity to bring about peace in the Middle East which is passing through a critical stage and where the feelings of hatred and despair are prevalent.

He describe president Arafat's comments on the recent events in the region as extremely positive, affirming the need to provide the Palestinians with a better future through an economic plan that is implemented in the right manner.

Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher told reporters after His Majesty's meeting with President Bush that King Abdullah's talks with the US president focused on the need to end the current crisis in the Middle East. "It is extremely important to restart the political track that guarantees the establishment of a viable Palestinians state," he said.

Muasher noted that the US president affirmed that he is willing to talk with all parties to crystallize specific ideas that take into consideration all ideas that have been presented before the convening of a conference on the Middle East.