King Abdullah Hold Talks US Secretary of State

07 May 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed during his meeting with US Secretary of State Collin Powell that UN resolutions 242, 338, 1337 and 1397 should serve as a reference framework for the suggested conference on the Middle East.

His Majesty stressed during the meeting which was attended by high ranking Jordanian officials, the importance of the participation of all parties in the proposed conference.

He also underlined the need for adopting clear steps with fixed timetable to solve the Middle East problem, affirming that Jordan supports any steps that leads to an end to the Israeli occupation, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and the achievements of comprehensive peace that restores the rights of all.

The US secretary of state for his part said that the US administration will listen over the coming weeks to the view of all parties before coming up with a final vision for the conference. He also stressed the importance of the ideas presented by King Abdullah and the need to ensure their success.

In a statement to reporters after the meeting, King Abdullah said that `we are here in Washington trying with the US to find a solution for the current crisis in the region`.

Powell for his part described his talks with His Majesty the King as good and that they focused on the situation in the Middle East. ` Jordan will play and important and vital role in the suggested conference, for it is an important country in the region and because His Majesty is so concerned in the plight of the Palestinian people,` he added.

The US secretary said that his talks with King Abdullah focused on relations between Jordan and the US in the various fields.