King receives Iraqi President`s Special Envoy

10 March 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Sunday reaffirmed Jordan`s s position rejecting the use of force against Iraq. The King warned that striking Iraq forms a catastrophe to Iraq and the region at large , as well as a threat to the region`s stability and security.

His Majesty, and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein`s special envoy Izzat Ibrahim, discussed the developments of the Iraqi file , where Ibrahim briefed the King on the outcome of the meeting of Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri with UN General Secretary Kofi Annan.

King Abdullah II expressed hope that talks between Iraq and UN , due to be resumed next month, will form a base for a working dialogue between the two sides that would end the pending issues and lead to ending the sanctions imposed against Iraq, as well as to the implementation of relevant UN resolutions.

His Majesty affirmed Jordan`s rejection to harm Iraq`s territorial integrity and sovereignty . He stressed the importance of solidarity and Arab unified stand through building up sound inter-Arab relations and cooperation that would serve the Arab nation`s interests.

Deputy Iraqi President , Izzat Ibrahim, who conveyed President Saddam Hussein`s greetings to His Majesty the King, expressed appreciation on His Majesty and Jordan`s position supportive to Iraq. He highlighted His Majesty`s consistent efforts in working to end the sanctions imposed against Iraq.

The discussions focussed also on bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries and means to boost them forward, particularly, in the economic fields.