King Abdullah II Receives Solana

28 February 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Thursday held talks with Representative of EU Policy Javier Solana on the situation in the Palestinian territories and the political moves aiming at halting violence and getting the peace process out of the blocked end.

Solana briefed His Majesty on the outcome of his tour in the region, which included Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Palestinian National Authority and Israel, to discuss the ideas of Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz pertaining peace in the Middle East.

During the meeting, attended by Jordanian Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher and EU envoy to the Middle East Miguel Muratinos, His Majesty pointed out that Prince Abdullah`s ideas express the Arab position pertaining peace in the region. He stressed the necessity of Israel responding to the Arab initiatives as a sole means to fulfill durable and comprehensive peace in the region in accordance with the terms of reference adopted by the international community, particularly, the implementation of Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 and ending the Israeli occupation of Arab territories.

Later in the day, Solana left back home wrapping up his tour in the region.