His Majesty King Abdullah II Returns Home After A Visit To Cairo

03 December 2001

His Majesty King Abdullah II returned home Monday after a brief visit to Cairo where he held talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on escalating violence and the security deterioration on the Palestinian and Israeli scenes.

king Abdullah and President Mubarak stressed the necessity to give priority to the language of dialogue as the only means to realize peace in the Middle East.

During their behind the scenes meeting, which was followed by an expanded meeting attended by the delegation accompanying King Abdullah, the two leaders condemned all acts of violence and counter violence which can only blow up the peace process and undermine the foundations of security and stability in the region.

King Abdullah and President Mubarak affirmed their support to the U.S. efforts geared to stop the whirl of violence and the pave the ground for resuming peace negotiations through the U.S. initiative which also includes implementing the Mitchell recommendations and Tenet memo of understanding. The two leaders underlined the significance of a continuous and effective U.S. role to prevent further aggravation.

The King and Egyptian President expressed hope that the Palestinian and Israeli sides will respond to the call for dialogue and give it an upper hand over the language of violence, which can only bring more destruction and instability to the region.

The two leaders appealed to the international community particularly the EU, the Russian Federation and the UN Secretary General to do their utmost to re-correct the deteriorating situation and secure a return to the table of negotiation. They also exchanged views on the outcome of their recent contacts with the Palestinians, the Israelis, the Americans and other concerned parties in the world with the aim of finding an outlet of the impasse blocking the peace process.

Talks during the meeting also covered bilateral relations and anti-terrorist international efforts.