Amman, 21/4/2004 (Royal Hashemite court - Communication & Information Division) - His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces, visited on Wednesday the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces.
21 April 2004
His Majesty King Abdullah postponed his meeting with US President George Bush which was schedualed for Wednesday at the White House.
20 April 2004
Amman, 20/4/2004 (Royal Hashemite court - Communication & Information Division) - His Majesty King Abdullah II, returned from the United States after postponing his meeting with the US President George Bush, which was scheduled to be held at the White House on Wednesday.
20 April 2004
Head of Jordan's Diplomatic Bureau in Gaza Juma'ah al-Abbadi Sunday called at the condolences home of Rantisi family, where he conveyed condolences from His Majesty King Abdullah to the Rantisi family and Palestinian Hamas leadership. Head of Jordan's Diplomatic Bureau in Gaza Juma'ah al-Abbadi Sunday called at the condolences home of Rantisi family, where he conveyed condolences from His Majesty King Abdullah to the Rantisi family and Palestinian Hamas leadership.
18 April 2004
San Francisco, 18/4/2004, (Communication & Information Division - Royal Hashemite Court) - His Majesty King Abdullah II has condemned Israel's assassination of Palestinian Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi describing the assassination as a heinous crime that reflects Israel's policy of arrogance and confirms that it is not serious in its search for peace.
18 April 2004
San Francisco, 17/4/2004, (Communication & Information Division - Royal Hashemite Court) - His Majesty King Abdullah II said that the goal of creating a more secure world and solving the problem of world terrorism and extremism, cannot be achieved through focusing on the direct temporary aspect of the problem, which is fighting extremists only, for it is part of the solution but not a final one. <br><br>
17 April 2004
San Francisco, 17/4/2004, (Communication & Information Division - Royal Hashemite Court) - His Majesty King Abdullah II addressed more than 1500 figure on his vision of the Middle East that enjoys just peace through the respect of human rights.
17 April 2004
San Francisco, 16/4/2004, (Communication & Information Division - Royal Hashemite Court) - His Majesty King Abdullah II on Thursday arrived to San Francisco at the beginning of a three day working visit to US, that includes a meeting, next Wednesday, in Washington with US President George Bush.
16 April 2004
San Francisco, 16/4/2004, (Communication & Information Division - Royal Hashemite Court) - His Majesty King Abdullah II on Friday attended, directly following his arrival to San Francisco, ceremonies of signing a memo of understanding between the ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology and Cisco Systems.
16 April 2004
San Francisco, 16/4/2004, (Communication & Information Division - Royal Hashemite Court) - Wall Street Journal published King Abdullah II article &#039;&#039;Reform is our Priority,&#039;&#039; in which His Majesty stressed that the reform process in the Middle East should proceed from inside the societies themselves rather than being imposed from outside. His Majesty pointed out that reform process in the Arab world has already started. Most Arabs, he said agree on the necessity of reform and on that proceeding from inside will secure its success.
16 April 2004