King: “Any more provocations in Jerusalem will affect relationship between Jordan and Israel”

14 September 2015

His Majesty King Abdullah, on Monday, said that “any more Israeli provocations in Jerusalem will affect the relationship between Jordan and Israel and Jordan will have no choice, but to take action, unfortunately.” King Abdullah spoke in joint press remarks with British Prime Minister, David Cameron, who arrived in the Kingdom for talks with His Majesty the King on ways to enhance strategic Jordanian-British ties and a number of regional and international issues.

The King said: “We in Jordan have been very concerned and angered with the recent escalations in Jerusalem, specifically in Al Aqsa Mosque. We have gotten reassurances from the Israeli government that this would not happen. Unfortunately, these are reassurances we have heard in the past. So, I would like to state, in your presence that if this continues to happen, actually as of today, any more provocations in Jerusalem, will affect the relationship between Jordan and Israel; and Jordan will have no choice, but to take action, unfortunately.”

Speaking on Jordanian-British cooperation, His Majesty said: “The relationship between Jordan and Britain has been a long and historic one; and even more so over the past several years, as we have come closer, shoulder-to-shoulder, with not only the regional challenges we have had to face, but unfortunately the global challenges that have been a major problem for all of us as we have been having to fight this global threat of terror, what we in the Islamic world call khawarej, the outlaws or renegades of Islam. You and I have discussed this before that this is a global fight that brings all religions together.”

The King noted that: “Jordanian and British troops have been standing shoulder-to-shoulder in many regions and, again, we will continue to do so. I know this is the sort of discussions I look forward to having here with you.”

With the regards to the Syrian refugees issue, His Majesty told the British prime minister that: “We commend the role that your government and your country has played in this respect; and commend the role that Europe has been playing in opening its borders and its hearts to the haunting images that we have seen of migrants trying to get to Europe.”

Further, the King added: “As you know, Jordan has had this burden of refugees for some time now. One fifth of our population, over 20 per cent, is Syrian refugees. Only 15 per cent of which are in the refugee camp, which you visited today.”

His Majesty said Jordan is very thankful for the role the British government has played in supporting Jordan with the refugee issues, adding: “I think that the role Jordan has played has been a role that has lessened the burden on Europe. We hope, obviously, that the international community will be able to deal with the terrible humanitarian crisis.”

“I know that England has always been there to help Jordan and to find a solution to the Syrian problem. Again, we’ll have a chance to discuss these issues”, the King emphasised.

The British prime minister thanked His Majesty for the welcome and said it is a great honour for him to be back in Jordan with the King. Cameron stressed that Britain and Jordan have a very strong relationship which has gotten stronger over recent years, and we want to build on that.

“The first thing I want to do is to thank the Jordanian people, through you, for the extraordinary generosity they have shown hosting so many Syrian refugees. I have seen this with my own eyes this afternoon, here in your country,” Cameron said.

He noted that Britain is the second largest contributor to the Syrian refugee crisis, after the United States of America, saying: “We are proud of that. We will continue with that investment.”

He said: “We hope other countries will do more because it is so important to help keep people close to their homes, to clothe, and feed and house them close to their homes, so they don’t make that perilous journey across the seas, which has led to such appalling losses of life; but, of course, in Britain we will be taking 20,000 Syrian refugees straight out of refugee camps here in Jordan and elsewhere and give them a home in our country.”

Cameron stressed that he absolutely agrees with His Majesty that “we need to continue to face up to the global threat of terrorism, which we see in such evidence with ISIL, with Daesh, in Syria and the threat they pose to the whole region and in Iraq, of course, as well.”

He added: “I also hope that we will also be able to discuss, as you have said, the situation with regards to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. I had a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu about this issue last week, and he said that he was ready to talk the Palestinian leader without preconditions. We very much want to do everything we can to encourage that process.”

Speaking on Jordanian-British cooperation, Cameron said: “We also continue to work with you on defense. I am very proud of the work of our armed forces are doing in collaboration, in cooperation, with yours; and, so that, and the economic cooperation we have to help strengthen the Jordanian economy; all these issues.”

Following the remarks, His Majesty and Cameron held talks on ways to enhance the already deep and firm ties between Jordan and Britain in various domains.

They emphasised the importance of maintaining constant coordination and consultation on various issues in the Middle East and the world in a manner that serves the interests of both countries.

The two leaders discussed efforts to fight terrorism and extremism in coordination and partnership with all concerned regional and global actors. They also tackled the latest developments in Syria, the crises in a number of countries and efforts to revive peacemaking talks between the Palestinians and Israelis based on the two-state solution.

The King hosted a lunch banquet in honor of Cameron who left the Kingdom this evening.